I devoted my spare time to getting the further details firmly in mind, and then I again called on Mr. Guetal to express my disappointment that he had not kept his agreement. He finally consented to the small increase of an additional $400.00 per year, and I again asked for pen and paper and proceeded to write what I had learned from the blank lease I had bought, This time it read:

"I do hereby lease and to farm let unto William E. Uptegrove"

and instead of enumerating all the property and conditions, I made reference to the old lease, mentioning the date, so that the old lease really became part of this document which I drew; and the document I drew was a little greater length than the former repudiated agreement. The old gentleman put on his spectacles, glanced over the agreement I had drawn, and promptly signed. This time when I put it in my picket I concluded that I had something that would hold the mill. I again referred to his having the regular lease drawn, and he agreed to advise me when it was ready. The document I put in my pocket this time proved of great value to me and really saved my business and future. In about three weeks, and while waiting for Guetal's announcement to me that the lease was ready, I read in the morning paper that George Guetal had made an assignment for the benefit of creditors to one Lewis. Again I repaired to my lawyer's office, this time submitting the new agreement and wanting to know where I stood in the matter. He smiled a very broad smile as he handed the paper back to me, and said: "That is a good enough lease for us. That will hold the mill." A short time after that I was served with papers in a foreclosure suit by George Law, the then multi-millionaire residing at 259 Fifth Avenue, a double house, in the basement of which he had an office, with his secretary, Mr. Affleck. Mr. Law's mortgage on the property was past due, with interest in arrears, as well as taxes, and his mortgage having been given prior to my lease, I had no rights that he was bound to respect. So, here was a new situation for me and one that gave me much anxiety. I felt that I must call on Mr. Law and discuss matters, and I tried to think of some person whose name would have some influence with Mr. Law, from whom I might get a letter of introduction. My Superintendent, Mr. Jones, reminded me that Mr. John English, the then President of the 11th Ward Bank, only one block from our office, was George Law's most intimate friend. I had no more than a speaking acquaintance with Mr. English, but was quite well acquainted with Mr. Brown, the Cashier. I besought

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