William H. Carpenter, a prosperous farmer. So my brother Jerome and I were left to our own resources in the matter of play, and as to playthings — well, there were none, and we devised our own. Did we want a cart? We seized upon a box of some sort and sawed out a pair of wheels as round as we were able. My father had a very good set of tools and a work-bench with vise, etc., but I was never handy with tools, nor had I any mechanical bent. I later years if there was anything to do about the house I have always called a mechanic. In due time school claimed us from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M., and with our tin dinner pail we walked the distance of 1-1/8 miles to and from the old stone schoolhouse, Summers and Winters; in the Winter through the snow sometimes up to our knees. The schoolhouse stands yet today and is doing service for its community. As stated on the carved stone over the door, it was built in 1828. The interior has been fitted with modern desks, but outwardly there is no change. During the Spring and Summer our teacher was always a woman, and she "boarded around"; that is, she was provided for by the patrons of the school, and stayed a week with each family. After completing the rounds of patrons she would commence at the head of the list again for another circuit. We were always glad when it came time for the teacher at our house, as we felt we then enjoyed special privileges. During Winters, the larger boys of the district having few farm duties, attended school, and the teacher during the Winter was a man. The schoolroom was heated in Winter by a wood-burning stove. It was simply a square horizontal iron box, taking sticks of firewood about 30" long. On each side of the stove in Wintertime was a long bench; one side for the girls, the other for the boys, and upon opening of the morning session, those whose feet were cold asked permission to sit by the stove so that during the first morning hour the two benches were well occupied. In those days Saturday of every other week was a school day; in other words, we had every other Saturday free. Corporal punishment was quite in order, and upon a pair of hooks back of the teacher's desk a stout switch was in evidence. When some unruly boy was called up and the switch brought into vigorous use, it was a matter of no small interest to the rest of us. My father was a very stern man and very much of a disciplinarian. He had a way of asking me during the evening what had occurred at school each day. Of course I always related the interesting incident of punishment that might have been administered to any boy excepting myself — that was never included in my daily narrative to my father.

During the Winter season some of the children would bring their hand sleights to school for use during the noon hour on a nearby hill, and likewise skates for use on a nearby pond, when

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